Particle Effects in X-Plane 11.30
X-Plane 11.30 includes a new particle effect system that creates smoke, fire, mist and other ephemeral effects in the sim. […]
X-Plane 11.30 includes a new particle effect system that creates smoke, fire, mist and other ephemeral effects in the sim. […]
X-Plane 11.30 includes updates to the United States autogenerated scenery. New buildings and facades were added to increase visual variety […]
X-Plane 11.30 has a revised, flexible ATC voice system for improved realism. ATC commands can now be prefaced with your […]
Here are some of our favorite addons from the month of October, 2018! Scenery Our friends at Orbx released the […]
Anthony Dyer has submitted over 250 Gateway airports under the name anthony_d. He’s on a mission to provide 3D scenery […]
X-Plane 11.30b1 is out today, and it includes updates to the default Cessna 172 autopilot. It is now an S-Tec […]
Here are some of our favorite addons from the month of September, 2018! Scenery Our friends at Nimbus Simulation Studios […]
Just Flight, a popular add-on developer, has recently begun developing aircraft for X-Plane! Just Flight is well known in the […]
Scott Stoeckle has been using X-Plane since version 3.0 and has contributed nearly 300 submissions to the Gateway. We wanted […]
The official video of the Laminar Research presentation at June’s FlightSimExpo is now available!
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