OK I could not show you pictures of me putting it in place because our hands (I get help with EVERYTHING from the excellent techs at RDD) were covered in goop that I did not want to get on my iPhone. But, once the goop was in the mounting holes and on the cookies, the cookies were put in the mounting holes (with the screw that will mount the seatbelt already installed in that hole I drilled in step 1) and all the space around the cookies in the mounting holes packed with the hy-sol goop. We put duct-tape over the whole thing to hold it in place while the goop cured, so you can see the duct-tape texture below where the duct-tape was pulled off.
And now a close-up view, the duct-tape texture clearly visible. Time to sand off the extra goop with spinning sander here! This will save almost 1 ounce of airplane weight! ;-)
See? I used the sander to grind off the extra goop. You can see I did a pretty TERRIBLE job, because of the scuffed carbon fiber and remaining goop! But, NO PROBLEM, because of the steps that come next!
See? I got out some good old-fashinoned SAND PAPER and sanded the whole thing down! Smooth as can be! Now you can REALLY see:
->the fiberglass cookie that I made in step 1 with the mounting screw going through it
->the hole that I drilled to mount the fiberglass cookie in step 2
->the goop that goes in the hole to surround and encase the cookie, holding it in place with an incredible strength!
And from a bit farther away so you can see how we are inside the fuselage here:
And here is the pilot's belt mount, which does NOT sit in a HOLE that I DRILLED, but instead wedges very nicely aft of the raised door frame structure. I know it LOOKS sloppy, but that is only because of the different COLORS, and because we are not done yet!
And from farther way, so you can see it is just aft of the door: